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You Answered Me'  Psalm 138 'is another song of thanksgiving and led me to reflect on intercessory prayer which of course is included during Mass. The psalmist is grateful to God for their prayer being answered and for God’s constant presence, saving, strengthening and loving. I took the liberty of including a verse of intercessory prayer in this song.

‘Love is Prepared’ was inspired by a story shared by a staff member about her husband. I was deeply moved by what her husband was prepared to sacrifice for his family.


‘Acclaim the Lord Our God’ captures something of why we gather at Mass, to give worship and praise to God. I was thinking particularly of the entrance song here.

'You Bless Me Lord' is not based on a psalm. It is a simple acknowledgement of how we are blessed by God every moment of our lives even when God seems distant. 

For the people of Israel, there was a blessing prayer (Berakah) to thank God for everything to transform every moment of one’s day into a thanksgiving offering. There were prayers of gratitude for the rising of the sun, for the gift of food and for the sleep one was to enjoy.  During the Mass, a prayer like this is used over the gifts of bread and wine, ‘Blessed are you Lord God of all creation for through your goodness we have received this bread we offer………. We are reminded that all created reality is God’s gift and blessing to us and that we are offering the gifts of creation back to God.


‘Go Out, Go Now’, as the words suggest, is a song for the end of Mass. We are missioned to live out in our lives what we have witnessed together in the celebration of the Eucharist. The priest at the end of the Mass invites and commissions the congregation to ‘Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life’ and to ‘Go and announce the Gospel’.


The title of this collection of psalms and songs, ‘Making music to Your Name’ is taken from Psalm 92. This indeed has been my intention and privilege.  

Making Music to Your Name


  1. You Answered Me (Psalm 138)

  2. Alleluia (Psalm 144)

  3. It is Good to Give Thanks to the Lord (Psalm 92)

  4. Love is Prepared

  5. Let My Tongue be Silenced (Psalm 137)

  6. Acclaim the Lord Our God

  7. Save Me (Psalm 30)

  8. You Bless Me, Lord

  9. Praise God in His Holy Place (Psalm 150)

  10. Go Out, Go Now



After receiving an invitation from the Diocese of Dunedin on understanding why we do certain things at Mass and incorporating some of my songs into classroom prayer, I was motivated to compose this new collection of songs which are mostly based on Psalm.

The Psalm is always part of the liturgy during Mass following the first reading and we are encouraged to sing them.

It was Lent when I first began composing the music, 'Save Me' (Psalm 30) reflects this season as does 'Let My Tongue Be Silenced' (Psalm 137) and 'Alleluia' (Psalm 144) was composed during the Easter Season. The first two have that element of lamentation and the latter, thanksgiving and praise.

'Praise God in His Holy Place' (Psalm 150) was composed many years ago and also featured during the Easter Season. I have added an antiphon and adapted the style of music from the original. I like to include variation in musical styles and I am hoping 'It is Good to Give Thanks to the Lord' (Psalm 92) will appeal to a younger audience and enable them to experience a sense of joy.


Making Music to Your Name


  1. You Answered Me (Psalm 138)

  2. Alleluia (Psalm 144)

  3. It is Good to Give Thanks to the Lord (Psalm 92)

  4. Love is Prepared

  5. Let My Tongue be Silenced (Psalm 137)

  6. Acclaim the Lord Our God

  7. Save Me (Psalm 30)

  8. You Bless Me, Lord

  9. Praise God in His Holy Place (Psalm 150)

  10. Go Out, Go Now


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