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Earlier this year, I began a course in spiritual direction training (Te Wairua Mahi) in the Ignatian tradition.


St Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was the founder of the Society of Jesus also known as the Jesuits. He is responsible for the ‘Spiritual Exercises’ that have supported thousands of people in their spiritual lives since they were first introduced in his lifetime. He encouraged praying with the use of the imagination, placing oneself in the Gospel scene and conversing with Christ from that place.


All creation too speaks to us of God’s presence and can be the ground of prayer, an encounter with mystery and the divine.  


I am also familiar with the Taize tradition of singing verses from scripture repetitively to enter a space of quiet reflection and prayer allowing the words to sink deeper and deeper into our hearts. 


This collection of verses, I have entitled ‘Ignatian Inspiration’, are not scripture but have been inspired by the insights of St Ignatius to a greater or lesser extent and are repeated in a similar vein to the Taize style. I hope they encourage stillness, insight and an encounter with God in prayer.

Ignation Inspiration.png
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