Happy Ascension Day! With the return of Jesus to the Father we know the Easter Season is drawing to a close.
Last Sunday Jesus said, 'If you loved me you would have been glad to know that I am going to the Father.' After his earthly mission this was always his destiny. As it is ours.
Having to let go of someone we love in death is never easy but there is comfort in knowing that God awaits them and calls them home. It is our common destiny.
The disciples having spent their time with Christ and experiencing his presence again during that first Easter needed the courage now to let him go and to take up the mission he was giving them.
The song 'You are all I have' track 4 from the album 'Like a beautiful day' was inspired by a story about the Ascension. The title refers to each one of us fulfilling the mission Jesus gives to us. In our situation and context, we are all he has to live his life and to share his spirit. What a privilege and what a responsibility. Click on the song title and scroll down to track 4 to listen to and reflect on the song.
You are all I have
Go in my name
Don’t afraid
Yes the world can be cruel
As the night is long
And greed overwhelming too
All the pain and abuse
And success at all costs
Surely can disempower you
You are all I have
Go in my name
Don’t be afraid
Take my life, my joy
Hope beyond hope
I am with you
For I need your hands and I need your feet
To let me enter in to heal
I have heard my people cry
You are all I have
Your weaknesses I know
I want you still
Don’t be afraid
I delight in you
I always have
Yes, it is true
For I need your eyes and I need your heart
To let me enter in…………
Yes, the world can be cruel…
You are all I have
Go in my name…….I am with you
You are all I have
'I have heard my people cry' is the lyric that stands out for me as I write this.
It calls me to pray for those parents in Texas who have lost their children in the school shooting.
It calls me to pray for the young man who shot them.
It calls me to pray for those who will be the hands and feet of Christ bringing healing, hope and comfort into that darkest of places.
Blessings on your week.