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Eternal Life

Several days ago, my confrere, Denis O'Hagan died. In the scheme of things, his death was very sudden. Denis lived in Wellington but he would often stay with us here in Auckland when he was up for Logos board meetings. We were his Marist community in Auckland. Logos is a Marist youth formation community active in many Catholic Schools up here for those who may not know, and Denis loved his involvement with Logos and the Logos whanau. He was with us in June.

Denis would join us for prayer and Eucharist in the morning in our chapel and reflecting on todays Gospel, the reality of Jesus' words hit home, 'Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life and I shall raise them up on the last day.' Denis was a man of faith with a deep love for Christ and his people from all walks of life. We hope for the gift of eternal life for him and when it comes to our time, for us too.

Denis was our Provincial in the early 2000s and enabled me to develop my music ministry to which I am very grateful.

When we are professed as Marists we have a very beautiful song in honour of Mary we sing entitled 'O Maria', track 15. I would like to share this with you and dedicate it to Denis O'Hagan. 'Mary, loving mother, I am yours....... May he rest in peace.

Blessings on your week

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