Luke 13:22-30
Christ was able to make his way to Jerusalem, where rejection, betrayal and death awaited him because he was secure in his relationship with his Abba, Father. He knew he was the beloved Son and so chose to go down the road less travelled, to enter that narrow door; that we for the most part want to avoid. He chose love, reconciliation, sacrifice and total self-giving, putting others first rather than his own interests and self-preservation. He the one rejected and crucified became the one raised up, the one who was last, first. His life, death and resurrection are a constant reminder to us of this paradox. We know it in our heads, and we admire it in people when we witness and see it but it is never that easy to put into practice. Actually, I think it is always a challenge for any human being- that’s why it’s the narrow door.
Today we hear about those who think they deserve entry into the kingdom. One can imagine them saying, 'Look at me, look at all I did and achieved. I was important, famous and influential.
Open the door to me. In the light of the Gospel they are turned away.
Instead we hear about those from east and west, from north and south coming to take their places at the feast of the kingdom of God. God willing we will be among that multitude and we may be quite surprised by who is there with us.
Listen to 'How did you know to give all?' track 10 from 'Like a beautiful day'
Christ stands at the doorway
Can we take the risk?
Christ gives his example
Can we take the risk?
Christ holds out the cup that we too must drink
Can we receive it from him?
Please remember in your prayer my confrere Brian Cummings SM who died earlier this week. His funeral is at St Mary of the Angels on Tuesday.
Prayers particularly for the people of Nelson too and others affected by flood damage.
Blessings on your week.