This is my first posting for 2025. I hope the year has begun well for you although I know
challenges and difficulties are often nearby.
I was very grateful over the holiday period to catch up with family members and we farewelled last week our two seminarians on route to their Novitiate in the Philippines. It's encouraging and inspiring that they continue their formation programme, but it is also sad to see them go. We will miss them. Please keep Tom and Renan in your prayers as they continue to discern their vocation to religious life and priesthood.
Two weeks ago, I recorded in Whangarei a new song entitled 'Pilgrims of Hope.' Fr James Lyons from Wellington, reached out to me last year with his reflection and asked if I could put his words to music. As you probably know Pope Francis has made 'Pilgrims of hope,' the theme for this Jubilee year. I am unable to share the song with you on this platform at present but will do so when I can.
Some of you will know that I released towards the end of last year on Spotify an album of 14 songs entitled, 'Centred in God.' I thought to begin this new year by sharing some of the songs for your reflection. You have already heard, 'Words of love,' Only Jesus and 'I am the vine, you are the branches,' which feature on the album but there are a few new songs you haven't heard.
However, given the theme of hope for this year and our call to journey in hope, today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Simeon, we are told, was an upright and devout man who looked forward to Israel's comforting and the Holy Spirit rested on him. He believed, and in hope, that he would not see death until he had set eyes on the Christ of the Lord, source of salvation and the light to enlighten the hearts of those in darkness. Anna, too, after her many years of service in the Temple, witnessed to this event and praised God and told others about the child and his mission. Their whole lives had been dedicated to the coming of this child and the hope he would bring.
Don't we anticipate the solace for those whose lives are burdened by various traumas? Don't we yearn for the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit to embrace us and our loved ones, enabling us to continue in faith and hope despite our own worries and concerns? Just as Simeon and Anna gazed upon the Christ child, may we see him in the people, environment, events, and circumstances of our lives, uplifting and reassuring us in hope.
The song I have chosen for you to reflect on today and throughout the week is 'Help me to believe,' from 'Reason to believe.'
The lyrics are below.
Help me to Believe
You help me to keep going when keep going makes no sense
You help to keep loving when the loving is all spent
You help make the sacrifice when all seems hard to be bear
You help me to believe in you
You help me sit in silence when my thoughts keep racing on
You help me find the peace of mind when the peace I had is gone
You help me trust a power stronger than these hands of mine
You help me to believe in
I want to feel the sunshine warm upon my skin
I want to see the buds of spring burst into life
Help me find the freedom to step outside the door
And live again a life worth dying for
You help me to be patient when my patience’s wearing thin
You help me with the strength to face the battles I can win
And to know the simple difference when to let things go
You help to depend on you
You help me to be guarded from the things that drag me down
And even in my darkest times I know you’re still around
And when you see me sinking beneath the shifting waves
You help me to reach out to you
I want to trust in you no matter what may come
And to feel your heart like the rhythm of the drum
Hear it calling me passed the limits of my room
Into the light of day out into the sun
You help me to keep going, to keep loving, to keep trusting
You help to believe in you
Please click on the link below to hear the song.
Blessing on your week and your year.