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Peace to be with you

We are very familiar with the above greeting from Jesus at every celebration of the Eucharist. The disciples were certainly relieved to hear this greeting given their fear of what could happen to them and their guilt abandoning Jesus in his hour of need. Given what we may be dealing with, it is comforting to allow his greeting to touch our hearts too. For where Jesus is present, there is always peace.

The mission Jesus gives to his disciples in the Gospel of today taken from John 20: 19-31 is one of Reconciliation. The mission of reconciliation is our mission too. When we are truly reconciled with God, with one another and with the whole of creation, Christ in his risen and living presence, is with us and peace is the fruit of those relationships being healed and made whole. Jesus of course in the beautiful painting by Caravaggio above is not condemning of Thomas but is understanding. It is from a place of acceptance and peace that Thomas is able to proclaim his great act of faith in Jesus by declaring him as 'My Lord and my God.'

Knowing the Risen Lord's mercy for each one of us on this Divine Mercy Sunday, may we too renew our faith in Jesus as Our Lord and God and receive the peace that he alone can give.

Let's pray for that peace for one another especially in the challenges we face personally and within our family relationships and of course on the World stage desperately in need of peace.

Blessings on your week

You may like to listen to 'Peace' track 1 from 'There is not Distance.'

I am very disappointed due to a bad cold and sore throat that I am unable to sing in consert today at the Mary Mackillop Centre at Mission Bay. The concert is resheduled for Sunday, May 5th at 2pm.

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