When I was in Rome last year, I caught up with our seminarian, Joseph Mijares, who is continuing his theological studies over there. Joseph has produced a number of youtube presentations of my songs. He filmed me singing in the garden of our General House at Monte Verde, 'Words of Love', the song I used last week, and included some beautiful Earth images with the track. I have included the youtube presentation for my sharing this week. Joseph has been home with us this past couple of months visiting family and various Marist communities and I am very grateful to him for bringing 'Words of Love,' alive in this clip. Click on the link below.
The Gospel for this Sunday is taken from Mark 8:27-35 and in the passage Jesus predicts his coming suffering, rejection and death and after three days to rise again. St Peter isn't having any of this talk about suffering and Jesus has to have strong words with him. 'Get behind me, Satan! Because the way you think is not God's way but man's.'
In the light of the 'Season of Creation,' and care of the earth we can often deny what is happening to the planet with the Climate breakdown and how it affects people who especially live near the sea and rely on earth and its health for their survival. Ultimately, we all do of course. Perhaps we only hear what we want to hear like St Peter and want to avoid talk of pain, suffering and catastrophic predictions.
Blessings on your week.