In 2016, I had the privilege of touring the Holy Land. Here I am saying Mass in the Church at Mt Tabor with Msgr. David Bell of the Palmerston North Diocese.
In the Gospel of the Transfiguration according to Luke 9:28-36 'the disciples kept silence and at that time, told no one what they had seen'.
Reflecting on this Scripture calls to mind how difficult it is to put into words those moments when we encounter mystery. Have you ever tried to explain and share something that has touched you deeply? Words fail us and never really capture what we want to say. It is said of St Peter today, 'that he did not know what he was saying' when he saw Jesus in his glory with Moses and Elijah. And when they encounter God in the cloud and hear his voice, how could you put into words that kind of experience? Silence is the appropriate response.
Maybe today as we reflect on this Gospel and the blessings we receive, we can take some time in silence to hold the mystery of God's presence in our lives and simply be grateful.
You may like to listen to 'Silence of your love' track 2 from 'Awesome God'.
We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and all innocent victims of war.