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We find this Sunday Jesus and his disciples over extended in the account from Mark 6:30-34. The work is full on. I am sure you have felt that way at times. Jesus invites his disciples to come away and rest awhile for what we might call R&R. They head to a lonely place where they can be by themselves. His plans as well as ours don't always work out. As soon as he steps off the boat onto the shore there was a large crowd waiting for him. Humanly speaking, he was probably overwhelmed but proceeded to be with the people, his heart went out to them and he took the time to teach them.

It's amazing what we can do when we have to but we also know the importance of taking time out to recharge our batteries. We are not much help to others if we are exhausted and over worked. For some people though having time out is a luxury isn't it?

Hear Christ speak these words to you today and throughout the week 'Come away to a lonely place and rest awhile'. It may be as little as 5 minutes sitting quietly being attentive to your breathing and allowing Christ's presence to calm and centre you. Christ knows what we need.

Prior to a pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine in 2016, I composed a song entitled 'Holy Land' encouraging the pilgrims to 'Behold the Lamb of God' in the places and situations familiar to us in the bible stories. Around the Sea of Galilee where our Gospel story takes place was particularly memorable.

Listen to 'Holy Land', track 1, and imagine Christ taking time out with you.

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