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A tiny sparrow

Jesus uses the image of the tiny insignificant sparrow in our Gospel taken from Matthew 10:26-33. He let's us know that God is aware of and concerned about the smallest of creatures. That being the case, there is no need for us to be afraid because we are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.

I have heard people ask the question, "How can God be really concerned about me and what I am going through when there are so many problems and issues in the world?" This scripture reveals otherwise. If we are feeling vulnerable, isolated, got at, ridiculed, even attacked for the sake of the Gospel, God is alongside us taking our part.

As human beings we can often focus on our weaknesses and frailty but as human beings we are also capable of tremendous acts of courage. Let’s pray for each other that our faith and courage will not fail when we are tested.

On Saturday, June 24th, I will be attending a double ordination in Invercargill of two young Vietnamese men, Suu and Joseph. They both studied at Holy Cross Seminary here in Auckland and I have got to know them over the years. They have left home and family to serve the Church here in this country. Although faced with numerous challenges, they did not allow the fear of the unknown, language difficulties, cultural challenges and separation from family overwhelm them. We are blessed with their presence. Please keep them in your prayers.

I am conscious tonight too of the 5 men trapped and lost in the small submarine near the Titanic wreck. Their plight is world news and as I write this there is still a small window of hope that they will be rescued. They will be scared and afraid. May they be able to support and comfort each other in such a cold and dark place. Lord, we lift these men to you. We know that they are in your hands and their families too.

You may like to listen to 'Eagles Wings' track 4 from 'Truly Blessed.'

Blessings on your week.

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