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Ascension Day

‘You Are All I Have’, a song some of you will be familiar with from my album, Like A Beautiful Day, was written in response to the feast of the Ascension.

As the body of Christ in the world we are called and commissioned by Christ to go out and be a living witness to his love and teachings. Here is an excerpt from the song.

‘For I need your hands and I need your feet

To let me enter in to heal

I have heard my people cry

You are all I have.’

I can’t help but think in these days of Covid-19 of Christians and non-Christians alike who have stepped up and responded to the needs of their brothers and sisters in large and small ways.

As a human family, we can be grateful for all the acts of love, kindness and expertise which have brought comfort, relief and healing into the lives of the lonely, the sick, those without work and those bereaved.  

This time next week for us in New Zealand we may have the opportunity to return to public worship.

Although as reports indicate limited in numbers, it will provide an opportunity to gather once more as the body of Christ, to be renewed and nourished in Word and Sacrament,reminded of who we are and sent out to live what we have celebrated.

Thanks be to God.

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