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Being At Home

There is something deep and mystical about John’s Gospel. In today’s passage taken from John 14:23-29, Jesus speaks of making his home in us along with his Father.

‘If anyone loves me he will keep my word….and we shall come to him and make our home with him.’ The word ‘home’ evokes in me a place where I can be myself, a place I can relax, feel welcomed and belong.

There is something beautiful about imagining God making his home in us and being at home with us. A place where God can be God and find a place of welcome and belonging in our hearts.

You may find that helpful to think and pray about for a little while.

Of course, given our lives and things that challenge us, we may not feel particularly at home with ourselves or focused on God being at home in us. We need to give it some time and be still and quiet for a while.

Jesus goes onto say ...

‘Peace I bequeath you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid’.

These are comforting words to hear if we are going through difficulties, challenges or changes in our lives. You may find it helpful to listen to ‘Be Still For The Presence of the Lord’ from 'Truly Blessed' and then allow the stillness and sense of God’s presence to comfort and give you peace.

Now that’s worth coming home to.

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