After his Resurrection, 'Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, Peace be with you', and showed them his hands and his side.' This verse is taken from the opening paragraph of John's Gospel 20:19-31
He offers this gift of 'peace' again in the same paragraph to his disciples as he commissions them and breathes on them the gift of the Spirit.
Have you been able to recognize moments of inner peace this past week? Perhaps in quiet reflection, thanksgiving, life giving conversations with family and friends, a word of Scripture that touched your inner core, a moment of stillness and realization in the beauty of creation.
A bird perched on the roof of our house was a particular gift to me this week when I wasn't feeling particularly peaceful.
I am writing this on Saturday and this evening I will be acknowledging my sister who turned 80 on Easter Sunday, the first of our family to do so. We will also be acknowledging her and her husbands' 50 years of marriage. That milestone was a couple of years ago but this is the first time all her children can get together to celebrate with their parents. Reflecting on her life and married life from my perspective brings home the blessing she and her husband have been to me over the years. I know they will be surrounded by love this evening. As it is with all our lives, there have been immense challenges along the way. It is clear to see the wounds but somehow just as it was for Jesus those wounds make the love expressed all the more palpable. I know Jesus will be among us tonight and will be the source of our joy and peace.
May that joy and peace be your gift and blessing this coming week.
You may like to listen to 'My Peace' track 2 from 'Light in the Lockdown'.