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Giving to God What Belongs to God

We have received everything that is good from the hands of God. What are some of the things you are grateful for?

You might like to sit in silence for a while and name the people, situations, and things you are

grateful for and give thanks. They are all signs of God’s love towards us.

Jesus in today’s Gospel from Matthew 22:15-21 says, ‘Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God’.

In the light of the election yesterday, in giving to Caesar, we are reminded to participate and contribute towards the betterment of our world and society by those means we have some competence in and some responsibility for. Being mindful of the ‘common good’ captures an important principle for me. We are social beings, and it is important to be engaged in society.

Thank you, Lord, for our country and people. Help us to work together despite our political differences for the common good of our people from the beginning of life to the end of life and in doing so protecting and treasuring our common home. Help us to be mindful that you are the giver of all good gifts and you hold the priority of our heart.

On the coin Jesus took in his hand was the image of Caesar but I reminded that I am made in God’s image. My whole being belongs to God.

I invite you to sit quietly again and as a way of giving to God what belongs to God say

Jesus, I give you my heart

Jesus, I give you my heart

Jesus, I give you my heart

Listen to yourself gently and reflectively repeating the prayer.

Imagine the delight on the face of Jesus receiving your prayer.

Afterwards you may like to listen to ‘All in All’ from ‘Ignatian Inspiration.

Blessings on your week.

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