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He laid down his life for his friends

Christ in the Gospel for today taken from John 15:9-17 reveals that there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends and goes onto say to his disciples, 'You are my friends if you do what I command you.' Jesus laid down his life for us showing us the greatness and immensity of his love. He asks us to commit ourselves to love one another as he has loved us.

Ultimately, it is his love for us that makes it all possible. Perhaps we can simply sit in silence for a little while acknowledging his love and be grateful.

You may like to listen to 'God made us for love' track 3 from 'Chants for Silence.'

I am facilitating a retreat for a number of Marist Seminarians in Fiji beginning Sunday 12th May and returning to New Zealand on the 20th. My blog will be on hold for several weeks. I am sharing a number of songs for you to listen to with this Sunday's sharing. You may like to listen to them in the next couple of weeks. Next Sunday is the Ascension (You are all I have) and the following Sunday is Pentecost (Tongues of Fire)

Blessings on the coming weeks and please remember in your prayers the seminarians on retreat. Thank you.

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