For the past several years, as for many of you, we have been unable to celebrate
the 3 special days of Easter at our various churches. How different and how wonderful it has been this year. The picture I share with you today is our chapel decorated in honour of the Lord's Resurrection featuring the Paschal Candle and the Easter Water.
On Holy Thursday we celebrated the Mass of the Lord's supper. 'Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world' has particular relevance for us regarding the gift of the Eucharist when the priest elevates the host and it recalls those words uttered by St John the Baptist as Christ presented himself for Baptism on the banks of the Jordan.
On Good Friday we commemorated the Lord's Passion and Death. 'Behold the Wood of the Cross on which hung the Saviour of the World' was sung 3 times as the cross was carried into the Church.
And today on Easter Day Mary of Magdala, Peter and the Beloved Disciple behold the empty tomb and they give witness and believe that the Lord has Risen as he said he would.
Today and in fact everyday of our lives we are caught up in these great mysteries of our faith.
To behold and keep before our eyes where Christ breaks through into our lives. He is the one who nourishes us, who takes our burdens upon himself and is always with us. He invites us to keep faith, to hope and trust in him and give witness to his presence through our loving words and actions.
'This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.'
You may like to listen to 'Holy Land' track 1 on the album of the same name.
Blessings on your Easter week.