Today we begin Holy Week and commemorate Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey with cloaks and palms spread on the road before him. 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'
Throughout this week we take time to reflect and remember all that Christ did and achieved for us in the city of Jerusalem.
I thought it appropriate to share with you Psalm 137, 'Let my tongue to be silenced' ,track 5 from 'Making Music to your name.' The people of Israel in exile in Babylon are remembering their holy city Jerusalem and never wanting to forget who they are as God's chosen people. One gets a sense of their inner turmoil, deep sorrow and longing for what was. The Psalm is a cry from the heart. How many people today are exiled from their homelands and wishing things could be back to what was? They too are crying out.
That experience of exile can be felt within our bodies and spirits too due to the breakdown in our relationships with God, others and even ourselves. We are not alone or abandoned. We are invited to remember 'The Passion' that Christ endured for our sake to bring us the fullness of life. In our remembering may we be comforted and give thanks that Christ is with us and for us. May we accompany him on his journey to the cross.
Blessed is he who enters the Jerusalem of our hearts and comes in the name of the Lord.
Blessings this Holy Week.