We find ourselves in Level 4 Lockdown. Much has changed since
I last posted. You will remember the rededication of our country to
Mary our Mother, Assumed into Heaven last Sunday and the beautiful
ceremony in Wellington at St Mary of the Angels. How timely to seek Mary's intercession
under the circumstances as we grapple with the Delta variant. I hope you are
doing OK and are receiving all the support you need. At times like this with see
the best in humanity but we also know that it can bring out the worst in us.
I understand why the words keeping safe and be kind to one another are often repeated.
I have been suffering with a winter cold and cough so thought it important to get tested.
I joined the queue at 10am the day after Lockdown was announced and got home here at 4pm.
I was exhausted. However, I consoled myself by saying how often overseas have I seen the long lines of cars with people waiting to be tested and thinking I would hate that. I can say I've joined the club now and tick that off to experience and my test was negative. Certainly my community who have been diligent in dropping meals at my door are relieved.
Today the sun is shining so that is great and I can see the water through the trees and that lifts my spirits. I hope your day goes well too.
I thought I would post 'Supermarket Worker' from 'Light in the Lockdown' for you to listen to
today for all the health sector and essential workers. It's an upbeat song and we need some upbeat. From our bubble's we can be mindful of each other and pray for each other and especially those who have contracted the virus and all who are worried about getting it.
Several verses from our Sunday readings today to inspire and encourage us during these challenging times.
'Was it not the Lord our God........ who worked those great wonders before our eyes and preserved us all along the way we travelled....... from Joshua 24: 15-18
'Lord who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life and we believe....... from John 6: 60-69