Luke 10:38-42
In the Gospel we hear that it was Martha who welcomed Jesus into her house. What a blessing and gift for her and what a blessing and gift for us to welcome Jesus into the home of our hearts in prayer and in a real and bodily sense with the food of the Eucharist but also through the kindness and hospitality shown to a brother or sister in need.
What a gift and blessing for Mary, Martha’s sister, to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to him. Jesus commends her for this. Mary was drawn to Jesus and his teaching. You get the sense that she didn’t want to miss out and wanted to take it all in. We need to have that desire too. A true disciple sits at the feet of Jesus to share what we have heard, received, and taken to heart.
In the Lord’s house we are welcomed to share in the depth and generosity of God’s hospitality beyond what we could ever imagine. God invites us to sit down away from the heat of the day whatever that may be in our lives and prepares for us the best of gifts, the finest of gifts, the richest of gifts, his very Son.
All are welcome here, all are welcome here, Christ invites us as we are, all are welcome here. Our weakness and our pain, our sorrow and our shame. Christ invites us each by name. All are welcome here...….
Blessings on your week.