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St Joseph the Worker

The statue of St Joseph is in St Mary of the Angels in Wellington. I was an assistant priest there

from 2006-2010. Today's feast honours St Joseph as the patron of all workers and reminds us

of the importance and dignity of work. Sometimes our work is life giving, sometimes it is challenging and sometimes it is dull and difficult. Some people struggle in the work they do, some people struggle to find meaningful work or work at all. Some people have been laid off. As we continue to celebrate this year dedicated to St Joseph in these Covid times, let us call on his prayers to be with us in our work whatever our present situation and be mindful of those who have obstacles around work. And let's give thanks for all the different kinds of work enabling the betterment of our planet and provide for the care and nurture of those we love.

This Sunday's Gospel sees Christ identifying himself with the vine and we as the branches.

All our work is fruitful and takes on meaningful significance when we are united with him. We draw life from him in order to share that life with others.

Listen to my latest composition 'Guardian Protector' as we reflect on our 'work' today.

Sheet music for piano and guitar accompaniment is available via email.

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