In those early days after the 1st Easter, we see the disciples speaking and acting in the name of Jesus and performing the same miracles he performed.
We too as Easter people are called to heal, forgive, strengthen, encourage, inspire faith, hope and give witness to love.
How will we accomplish that and give witness to the living presence and mercy of Christ this week?
Listen to track 10 'Go out, go now' from 'Making Music to his name' The lyrics are below for you to follow and sing with. Blessings on your week.
Go out, Go now
Go out, Go now
Live the love we have witnessed
Go out, go now and live what we have seen
Christ becomes present to feed us, the Church
Sending us out to be sharers of life
Sharers of life that he won on the Cross
A sacrifice of love for the world
Go out, Go now
Live the love we have witnessed
Go out, go now and live what we have heard
What we have witnessed is self-giving love
A self-giving love that endures to the end
We’ve been invited to taste God and live
Die to self and rise into life
Go out, Go now
Live the love we have witnessed
Go out, go now and live what we’ve become
What we believe
Go out, go now
Christ becomes present to feed us, the Church
Sending us out to be sharers of life
Sharers of life that he won on the Cross
A sacrifice of love for the world
Go out, Go now
Live the love we have witnessed
Go out, go now and live what we’ve become
What we believe
Go out, go now
Go out, go now.