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They were all seeking the company of Jesus

I had already scheduled this blog but awoke to the news of Queen Elizabeth's death on Friday morning our time. It's incredible how a figure like the Queen who has been a constant certainly for my whole life and now her death can have such an impact. I was deeply moved by the message of our now King Charles 111 speaking of his mother's death, spoken like any man would with the loss of his beloved mother but knowing his message would reverberate around the World. Having been through the experience of loss ourselves, our hearts go out to others experiencing loss in their lives and this is such a public loss. The Queen's passing I am sure will touch us all in some way. May those ways be a gift and blessing for ourselves, our loved ones and for the World. Eternal rest grant to her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.

You may wish to listen to 'How Great thou Art( Whakaaria Mai) track 11 from Truly Blessed.

What follows is my usual blog with a focus on the Sunday's Gospel.

Luke 15:1-32

The Pharisees in today's Gospel were complaining about the company Jesus was attracting.

The sinners and tax collectors were seeking him out because he understood them and spoke to their experience with love and compassion. Jesus shared his parables to open up his listeners to a new way of thinking and acting.

Perhaps today if you find it helpful, you could place yourself in the position of the lost sheep or the lost coin or the lost son in the prodigal son story and experience any isolation, fear, loneliness or whatever emerges for you and allow Christ to enter that place, discover and find you there. Simply sit with him, be present and take in the joy on his face in finding and being with the one he loves, the one he seeks. You.

Lord Jesus, help us to imitate your heart, to welcome ourselves in the way you welcome us, to welcome other people in the way you welcome them as you sat at table and ate with the tax collectors and sinners.

As Marists we celebrate our patronal feast day on September 12, ‘The Holy Name of Mary’

‘Because they bear the name of Mary, Marists desire to be like her and follow Jesus as she did.’

Const of the Society of Mary, 8.

May Mary's way inspire you.

Blessings on your week.

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