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When I am lifted up from the earth

The title is taken directly from the Gospel for this Sunday, John:12:20-33.

It refers to Jesus being lifted up upon the cross and his Resurrection.

Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent and we are of course getting very close now to our liturgical celebrations of the Lord's Passion, death and Resurrection. Jesus in John refers to what is soon to happen as his 'hour'. And it is for this 'hour' that he has come into the World. This hour enabling us to be in communion with him, to serve him and draw life from him when we are faced by our own sufferings and trials.

We will be journeying with Jesus. We will be able to see him, hear him, be moved and strengthened by him as he endures the Passion for our sake. He is the wheat grain fallen to the ground and we are part of the rich harvest his death has yielded.

You may like to listen to the song 'Only Jesus'. We can be like the Greeks at the beginning of our Gospel story approaching Philip and express their desire as our own, 'Sir, we should like to see Jesus.'


Raise our eyes

Raise our eyes and see

Only Jesus


Only Jesus

Raise our eyes and see

Only Jesus



Do not be afraid

Do not be afraid

For I am with you

With you

Always with you

Do not be afraid

I am with you.


Only Jesus lifted up

Only Jesus lights the way

Source of life and source of grace

He is near, behold his face



Raise our eyes

Raise our eyes and see

Only Jesus


Only Jesus

Raise our eyes and see

Only Jesus

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