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A Place for me

The opening line of the Gospel today says 'The tax collectors and sinners were all

seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say...There was a sense of longing and openness within them to receive his words because they were not condemning or beyond there reach. He reassured them that his place was their place.

I was reminded of a song which I share with you today entitled 'A Place for me' which begins, 'Jesus ate with sinners, seems there's a place for me.'

As the Gospel unfolds Jesus tells the story of the Prodigal Son who found himself in a place among the pigs hungry and alone. He comes to his senses and returns to his Father and because the father of the story is so gracious towards him he finds himself in the most comforting and reassuring of places, his loving embrace next to his heart. That is the gift being offered to us this 4th week of Lent often called Laetare Sunday. Sharing such intimacy with the Father is certainly something to 'rejoice' in. We are invited to come to our senses, humbly acknowledge our sinfulness and return to Our Father. His heart is always available to us.

I have copied the words of the song for you to follow when listening to it. The lyric, 'Never underestimate the power in your hands' interestingly speaks powerfully to the Father's embrace and our own embrace towards those who have wronged us or who have suffered the hard knocks of life.

A Place for me (Track 4 from 'A Noble Work')

Jesus ate with sinners

Seems there’s a place for me

He cast out the demons

Seems there’s a place for me

If I wander on the edges

Afraid and out of place

Jesus walks there with me

Offering his grace.

Jesus knows my questions

Seems there’s a place for me

My worries and addictions

Seems there’s a place for me

If I find myself just drifting

Wondering where to start

Jesus stands there with me

Offering his heart.

Yes, there’s a place for me

A place for me.

Jesus chose disciples

Is there a place for me?

Will you sit and listen?

Is there a place for me?

For I need some reassurance

Compassion and release

That Jesus is here with me

Offering his peace

Will you be disciple and

Eat my humble bread?

Will you be disciple and

Live like Jesus said?

It may not be so easy

Or comfortable for sure But will you act for Jesus knocking at my door

Yes, there’s a place for me

A place for me

I maybe familiar

Or someone off the street

And even surprise you

When finally we meet

Never underestimate the power in your hands

And what it means to sit beside

Someone who understands

Yes, there’s a place for me

A place for me.

Yes, there’s a place for me

A place for me.

Blessings on your week.

We continue to pray for those caught up in the horror of war. May they be lead to a place

of restful waters and their spirits revived.

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