The focus today is that God is beyond generous towards us. In a way incomprehensible. We hear from the prophet Isaiah 55:6-9 that God is rich in forgiving and that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, God’s ways are not our ways. In other words, it is not easy to be on God’s wavelength.
The Gospel taken from Matthew 20:1-16 is a case in point. We are presented with the parable of landowner and vineyard workers where the late comers receive the same wages as those
who worked all day in the heat. ‘Why be envious because I am generous’ the landowner says, when those who worked all day grumbled.
It is easy for us to be resentful of other people if they get more than we think they deserve but God isn’t like that. He has all of us in mind. All of us in view.
Whatever our situation or story is regarding our faith and the Church, God’s merciful compassion is available for all. The parable teaches us that, ‘Whether one is early or late, we have exactly the same need for God’s mercy and God’s love and everyone gets all of it.’
Listen to ‘Loved Sinners’ from Holy Land.