This is an earlier sharing than normal because tomorrow in Aotearoa/New Zealand we celebrate, for those who may not be aware, Matariki, which is a public holiday. This will be my sharing for the week. The appearance of the Matariki cluster of stars ushers in the Maori New Year. I have just come from a beautiful Mass and gathering at Whanau Maria (home to Logos and other Marist groups) here on Ponsonby Rd acknowledging Matariki. The kai we shared together included a delicious watercress soup and fried bread. Towards the end of the meal we sang good old favourites, Tutira mai nga iwi, Pokarekare ana and Te Aroha to name a few. It was a gathering fitting for all kinds of gatherings around the country tonight and tomorrow and over the weekend where friends and whanau get together to look back over the past year, look forward to what the new year may hold and to remember loved ones who have died. Of course sharing kai and singing waiata. I hope for those who have the opportunity for time off that
you have a peaceful and relaxing day among family and friends.
I share again a song inspired by and adapted from a poem of Fr James Lyons of Wellington entitled Matariki, track 20 on 'Songs Commissioned'. Keep scrolling down from the right hand side of the tracks if 20 doesn't immediately appear.
This is Fr James' poem
You shine the brightness of joy
You carry the light of rebirth
You sew hope with your star-lit braid
And keep watch on the wonder of earth
Matariki Pleiades
Gift to our Southern Sky
Faithfully guiding -
Teaching and caring -
Our path through the starkness
Of night
Luminous daughters of Atlas
Glittering gems in the dark
Friends to all iwi and whanau
Guarding the harvest of life
Matariki Pleiades.…
A New Year in Maori tradition
You shine this time to nurture
By our care for the world and each other
There is hope for a star-studded future
Blessings on your day, weekend and the week ahead