(click on title to go to album 'A Noble Work' and scroll down to listen to song)
Lord you are present to us
And we are present to you
Through this holy anointing
A Blessed Communion renew
God you visit your people
Do not our hearts rejoice?
Help us sit with the silence
And listen for your voice
Blessed Communion our hearts are burning
Our world is yearning and longing for you
Welcome the stranger
Into the circle of love
For in communion there’s room for all
Through this communion we share
Teach us to recognise
Your real and living presence
In our brothers and sisters eyes
May our every encounter
be mutual moments of grace
Help us truly discover
The image of your face
This song is fitting for the feast today of Corpus Christi.
It speaks to me of presence and encounter, thanksgiving and hospitality, longing and inclusion.
You will have other insights. You may like to sit silently with what emerges for you and give thanks for the the various communions you experience in your life, all signs of God's communion with us.
Today's Gospel is taken from Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 where Jesus shares the gift of his body and blood with his disciples. That gift of course has been handed down to us and is available to us when we celebrate the Eucharist together. We celebrate a blessed communion in him and bring all we are, those we love and all those Jesus includes and welcomes to the feast.