Matthew 16:13-20
Jesus asks, ‘Who do people say that I am?’
Peter gets it right ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Jesus then says to Peter, ‘You are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my Church.’
Jesus recognizes the hand of his Father in allowing Peter to see who he truly was.
We know that Peter often got it wrong but here Jesus could see that he had a faith to depend on after he was gone.
Pope Francis says that this passage challenges our faith. He said, “How is your faith? Let each of us answer in our heart. How is your faith? How is it? What does the Lord find in our hearts: a firm heart, like a rock? Or a heart like sand, that is, doubtful, mistrustful, unbelieving?”
“If the Lord finds in our hearts a faith – I won’t say perfect, but sincere, genuine, then he will see in us, too, the living rocks on which he builds his community,” Pope Francis said. “For this community, the foundation stone is Christ, the unique cornerstone.”
“For his part, Peter is the rock, as the visible foundation of the unity of the Church; but every baptized person is called to offer to Jesus his or her own faith, poor but sincere, so that He can continue to build His Church, today, in every part of the world.”
May this give us confidence in living our everyday lives in acts of love and service. Lord Jesus, renew our faith.
Listen to ‘To Sing the Praises of God’ from ‘Serenity’.
‘We are living stones, building the house of God’.
My new album ‘Light in the Lockdown’ is also available now on CD in limited quantity.