We generally find it difficult to listen to the prophets in our lives because they can make us feel uncomfortable, they challenge the status quo and even our world view.
On the world stage many people who have been prophetic and challenged unjust systems and regimes have been assassinated.
The people in Jesus' hometown couldn't accept him because they had already made up their minds about him. They knew him or so they thought. "Is he not the Carpenter, the son of Mary.....and they would not accept him." What a missed opportunity!
Lord Jesus, help us to hear your voice and the voices of those who speak in your name even if we feel uncomfortable and encouraged to think and act differently.
My song 'Human' celebrates prophets
There are people in our world
Like torches in the night
They light a path of hope
And stand for what is right
They face adversity while others would despair
They challenge us to be what others never dare
They are movers, believers, healers
They are lovers, they’re fighters, dreamers
And they are human, so very human
And it’s human we’re meant to be
There are people in our world
With passion in their eyes
And wisdom on their lips
And power in their lives
They walk the journey too
The torrents have been crossed
With mountains still to climb
Their dream is never lost.
They are movers……….
It’s not for glory, for power, or gain
It’s not their ego
The money or fame
It’s for the present
It’s for the future
And for us to fan the flameÂ
Blessings on your week