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One Drop of Water

One drop of water joined with another, joined with another, joined with another

Many drops of water joined with each other, joined with each other becomes a waterfall

I am recommending this song for you to listen to today from the album ‘Chants for Silence’ because it makes a connection for me with today’s Gospel about the ‘talents’ in Matthew 25:14-30. The servant who had 5 talents made 5 more, the servant who had 2 made 2 more but the one who was given 1 talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

Jesus is talking about building the kingdom. The first two servants were engaged, resourceful, creative, prepared to give things a go, step out and expand on what they had been given. Their efforts bore fruit. The one who buried the money it is said was afraid and they allowed fear to overwhelm them. It is as if they wasted the gift or the talent they had been given and no fruit eventuated.

Whatever it is about who we are, our gifts and personalities, each of us through our baptism and with the promptings of the Holy Spirit, is called to build the kingdom of God by sharing the Christ light within us with the people and situations we encounter. In so doing we are like those individual droplets of water uniting to become a waterfall and allowing the power of God’s kingdom to be present. Jesus calls each one of us to be engaged with him in this great mission and he asks us not to be afraid.

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