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Teach us to pray

This request led Jesus to gift the disciples with the 'Our Father'.

Have you ever been inspired by someone in prayer, by their posture, by their face, by their manner and wondered ‘What’s there secret?’ I am sure it was that wondering that motivated the disciples to ask Jesus about his constant moments of prayer. Faithfulness to prayer is a powerful witness even when the going gets tough. It inspires and encourages others.

In Jesus' day, the term "father" included the concepts of care, love, responsibility, discipline, hopes and dreams for one's children, respect, authority, and blessing.

Jesus has opened a way for us to approach God in prayer with a sense of trust and that because of him, we too share in an intimate relationship with God. Jesus’ life was not without pain, disappointment and death; but he was sustained through it all by his faith in his Father. That is what he is offering us, his disciples, when he reveals God to us in this way.

We are encouraged today in the Scriptures taken from Luke 11:1-13 to persevere and to keep knocking at the door. God knows what we need and is generous beyond belief.

….'how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!'

Listen to (Veni Sancte Spiritus) 'Come Holy Spirit' track 6 from 'Light in the Lockdown'

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