The Gospel account taken from Mark11:1-10 of Christ's entry into Jerusalem has Jesus telling his disciples to go into the village, find a colt tied up, untie it and bring it. If any one says to you.
"Why are you doing this?" say, "The Lord has need of it." I am intrigued by this request because I am not aware of any other time, Jesus says that he is in need of anything. I am open to be corrected. He says things like 'Give me a drink' and 'stay awake with me' but not precisely I need you to give me a drink or I need you to stay awake with me.
The Lord of all creation needs a humble colt or donkey to enter the city of Jerusalem. Don't you love the facial expression of the donkey in the picture above. It's a 'This is my moment!' expression.
Reflecting on the Lord's need invites to me to reflect on the Lord's need for my heart. He needs our hearts to be in tune with his in order for others to welcome him into theirs. We are invited to be untethered and to humbly carry the presence of the Lord into the lives of those we encounter.
It is our moment to come in the name of Lord.
Blessings on your Holy Week.
You may like to listen to a new composition entitled 'An Angel Came' as Jesus faces his darkest hour. Click the youtube link below the picture. An advertisement may play but you will be able to skip the ad.