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Come Sail Away

Last week many of us were glued to the America’s Cup and the final couple of races. They proved to be the most exciting of the regatta and of course a positive outcome for Team NZ.

I mention sailing this morning because it is a wonderful metaphor for life.

Some years ago, when I lived in Wellington, I was asked by the team organising a marriage education conference in Auckland, as the city of sails, to compose a song for the weekend using the image of sailing. I composed the words and put it to the music of a familiar Irish song so the participants could sing with me. The song is entitled ‘Come Sail Away’ from ‘Truly Blessed’ and is the song I have chosen for you to listen to today.

The song begins,

Our boat prepared

It’s time to go

What lies ahead

We do not know

With compass set

And stars to guide

We stand and face the ocean wide.

With sails unfurled

The wind’s our friend

The challenge real

To journey’s end

A voice is calling deep within

My heart is yearning to begin.

Jesus being the friend of fishermen knew about boats, the wind and the storms that could often disturb the tranquillity of the sea. The Gospel taken from John 12:20 sees Jesus talking about his hour and his imminent death, ‘And when I am lifted up from the earth, I shall draw all to myself.’

We see Jesus coming to his journey’s end. He has constantly responded to the voice of his Father confident in the Father’s love for him. May we continue to respond to the voice of God within us leading us to face the challenges we encounter even some that we would rather not have to face.

Christ knows that experience. May we know despite everything we are deeply loved and continue to allow the Spirit to fill our sails. Jesus is drawing us to himself.

Featured Song: Click on song title and scroll down track listings to listen to full track.

Come Sail Away from Truly Blessed

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