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I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

Given how Jesus identifies himself in the famous verse, 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life'

from John 14:1-12, and our accepting this reality in faith does justify his invitation not to let our hearts be troubled but to trust in God still and trust in him. It does us good to sit quietly with him and that reality if we find ourselves being overwhelmed, lacking in hope and confused.

During my reflection on this Gospel a couple of days ago, I was struck by the line which I highlight for you, 'There are many rooms in my Father's house; if there were not, I should have told you.'

Christ has shared with us all we need to know to continue this journey of faith leading ultimately to eternal life with him. He has held nothing back from us. We may not always understand or appreciate the circumstances we face in our lives just as the disciples failed to understand when he spoke about going away and who he truly was.

You may like to listen to 'Trust' track 6 from 'Ignatian Inspiration.'


Trust, trust in me, trust the image, trust your tears

Trust, trust in me, the gift of silence calm your fears

Be still and I know, I speak to your heart

Be still and know, I am here

Blessings on your week.

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