Our faith and relationship with Christ is a precious gift.
However, we do not hold a monopoly on him or his Spirit.
His presence and Spirit can be experienced in all kinds of places and among
all kinds of people. Do we have a 'goodness' radar with a sensitivity to recognize goodness
in people, in what they say and in how they act even if they belong to a different tradition
or hold firmly to a different spirituality?
Sometimes we can be jealous and weary of other people and their achievements and dismiss them because they are not in our group or under our particular influence.
Jesus says in today's Gospel, 'no one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us if for us.'
Jesus has open arms that include people rather than exclude them. He challenges us to be the same.
Listen to 'We are Connected' track 13 from the album Awesome God. You may have to scroll down from track 11 if the further tracks do not show.
We are Connected
Like branches to the tree
We all walk the planet
Let's walk with dignity
No matter our colour
No matter our creed
All of us are gifted
And all of us we need
All albums and individual songs are available for purchase from my website.
Your generosity helps me to continue my recordings and music ministry.